Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pedi for me

 Have you ever gone in for a pedi and picked out a color that seemed perfect?   You enjoy every moment  in the massage chair while your tootsies are soaking in water that is the perfect temperature.  The nail technician treats your feet better than you do yourself.  You're either barefoot, in flip flops or strappy sandals and have the tan lines on your feet to prove it.   After the salt scrub, massage and heated towel the polish is applied.   You're feeling giddy from the fumes and off you go to let the polish set.  You leave the salon and notice in natural light that the color you selection is bright, maybe even on the verge of neon.   Yup, that is exactly what happened to me last night and my very pink toes.

Image courtesy of shoptalk.dmagizine.com